Thursday, April 30, 2020

Front Layout & Barani

I learned how to do a front layout and a Barani on a trampoline.
A front layout is like a front salto (front flip) but with our arms out and legs straight.
A Barani is like a round-off with no hands.
I am very excited because I have been wanting to do something like this.
Here is my video.

Taskmaster - Superpower!

For Taskmaster, we had to make our superpower.
Taskmaster is a task, but there are lots of them.
Mrs & Miss Naden are the MASTERS!
My brother helped me.
My superpower was to shoot water out of my hands.
I reversed the video then converted it to a GIF.

My Lockdown Diary Pg 19-20

Today we created

  • Morning, wakey, wakey! What's the plan this morning?
  • What are you looking forward to after lockdown?
I found it easy to plan the day.

I found it easy to think of the things I miss.