Thursday, January 30, 2020


This is the last post I will do before the school term starts. This year I'm in Room 1 again with one of my favourite teachers - Mrs Naden! This year I will also be a year 6. Plus my last year at St Mary's... This year my goal is to do way better in maths and win Senior Speeches. Anyway, this summer might've been the best ever! 

This holiday I attended the RAD (Royal academy of dance) in Wellington. The dance school was HUGE! There were about 11 studios, a Plaza where we had our breaks, and a cafeteria downstairs. We got a timetable for which class we needed to be at and what time. I had ballet and the studio had 4 barres, the music was played live on the piano, and our teacher was Abigail Boyle. She did something called an open class, which she taught us a quick dance and then we danced it. I also had Creative, my favourite! We had RAD for 6 days so our teacher Tim Barnes and Scott Pokorny split the 6 days. Creative was basically Improv - a dance where you just make your dance up on the spot and you need to be... Creative! Last but not least hiphop! Taught by Braedyn Humphries using the styles locking and breakdancing. It an amazing opportunity! 

On the way we stopped a Hastings for Splash Planet. They had 5 slides amongst were the Double Dipper - a slide where two go on a double tubedouwn an open slide. Sky castle screamer, a steep slide, about 70 degrees in angles. You zoomed down it then... Splash! And then you stopped aburptly. Sky Tunnel, a pitch-black enclosed side with glowing freckles on the side. Super cruiser, an open slide that has you swaying from side to side. Master Blaster, an enclosed with comforting warm water. Last, but not least, not a slide, but a lazy river to relax on foam platforms. Get Ready 2020!