Thursday, September 24, 2020

Catalina's Room 1 September Student Reflection Newsletter

 Here is my September Student Reflection Newsletter.
I found it easy to fill it in since I've done it a lot. 
I found it tricky to explain Maara Kai.
If you want to learn about biosecurity click here.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Free Holiday things to do in Gisborne

In cybersmart, we have used a lot of websites for our media. 

This time, we tried to not use google slides and try something else.

I chose google sites. I've used google site for Call Catalina Company, where I make screencastify tutorials.

I found it tricky to think of what tool to use.

I found it easy to use google sites. Check out my site here.

Didymo Ad

 For reading we have been learning about biosecurity.
Have you ever been asked to put food in a bin after/before a flight?
Thats because of biosecurity. 
Food can contain bugs that we dont want to introduce to our country.
Didymo (also known as rock snot) is a slimy substance that spreads in large mats all over bodies of water.
Just one droplet of didymo can affect lots of waterways.
Our task was to create an ad that would encourage people to wash and check their gear after leaving the forest/country.
I used wevideo for my ad.
I found it easy to use wevideo because I am familiar with it.
I found it tricky to make it attract attention.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori - Book Creator

Last week for Maori Language week we used Book Creator.
For my topic I chose school subjects since everyday we read "What's on today?" in te reo Maori.
I found it easy to find how to add media.
I found it tricky to find where adjust media.
(Click Image to read.)

Sunday, September 13, 2020

What I can do to promote Social Justice

 Last week was social justice week, and we created a slide asking ourselves, what can I do to promote social justice?
I found it tricky to finish it on time. 
I found it easy to create the slides.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Why you should be Vaccinated

 In class we are writing our speeches.
Our success criteria was to 
*use a rhetorical question
*use persuasive language
*use emotive language
I found it easy to think of my topic.
I found it hard to use emotive language.
Listen to my speech here.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Catalina 's August Student Reflection Newsletter

 Here is my Student Reflection for August.
I found it hard to recall what I did for enviroschools because I've been away.
I found it easy to come up with history trivia.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Marketing to Kids

 WALT: Identify the main idea.
Did you know ads and commercials are directed to 11/12 year olds?
Our task was to find ads and show how it makes you want to buy the product (it also gave me an excuse to watch tv!)
I found it hard to think of what kind of ads to choose.
I found it easy to recreate an ad that I've seen.